Top 5 New Proven Winners Annuals 2023

New annual flowering plant varieties are always exciting to discover and as usual, Proven Winners does not disappoint. Here are my picks for Top 5 new PW annuals for 2023.

Superbells Prism Pink Lemonade (Calibrachoa hybrid)

Part Sun to Sun

Mature Size: Height: 15-30 cm.

Spread: 30-60 cm.

This beautiful bicolor Million Bells cultivar reminds me of the flowers you would see in a Victorian garden long ago. The pale delicate large blossoms first open lemon yellow then transition to vibrant pink. Both of these colors are present at the same time with the blooming period lasting from spring to the first hard frost. Prism Pink Lemonade is very heat-tolerant and no deadheading is required.

Use as a filler in large containers, hanging baskets, and window boxes.

A word about Calibrachoa (Million Bells)

Plant Million Bells in a top quality soil in a container that has good drainage. These plants do not like to be constantly wet. Constantly wet soil will result in leaf yellowing and root rot. Once planted, give them a slight all-over trim; water, then do not water again until the top of the soil is dry. Fertilize regularly with a water soluble flowering plant fertilizer every two weeks. In late July/early August, Million Bells will sometimes open up in the middle, and the top will flatten out. Give the plant an all over trim, then fertilize.


Superbells Double Yellow Calibrachoa

Part Sun to Sun

Mature Size: Height: 15-30 cm.

Spread: 30-60 cm.

Bright and beautiful yellow, double blossoms that resemble little roses cover this plant in late spring, summer and early fall. This is an aggressive grower and requires the same growing conditions and care as the Prism Pink Lemonade Calibrachoa. Use Double Yellow in hanging baskets, window boxes and as a filler in large containers.


Aromance Mulberry Nemesia

Part Sun to Sun

Mature Size: Height: 25-45 cm.

Spread: 30-45 cm.

Use in hanging baskets, window boxes, large containers and flower beds.

This Nemesia is one annual that I am going to grow this spring. It has an impressive showy color – plum fuchsia and lavender bicolor blooms that continuously bloom and produce an intense fragrance. This plant grows upright and begins to bloom early in the season right through summer and into the fall.

Aromance Mulberry holds up to summer heat and rains. After saying that though, it really does grow better in cooler climates. It is self-cleaning; no deadheading required. Adored by bees and other garden pollinators.

Plant in a rich, moist, well-drained soil. This plant is thankfully not fussy as to pH. When planting, disturb the roots as little as possible and water well once planted.

Fertilize every two weeks with a water soluble all-purpose flowering plant fertilizer. I like to use 20-20-20 as it is an all-purpose fertilizer that can be used on everything; even indoor plants during the growing season.

To ease transplanting stress, buy this plant with as few flowers open as possible. Closed buds are okay.

If the plant stops blooming in mid-season, cut it back by 1/3 its volume, fertilize and it will bounce back with bushy growth and more blooms.

Bonus: Aromance Mulberry Nemesia does not set seed.


Supertunia Persimmon Petunia

Part Sun to Sun

Mature Size: Height: 15-30 cm.

Spread: 45-60 cm. (Sometimes 91 cm)

I love the new color of this Supertunia and I know you will too! It’s described as coral orange with a tinge of gold in the throat of each flower. It has an aggressive trailing habit and blooms all season into fall with no deadheading required. Excellent used in window boxes, hanging baskets and as a filler in large planters. It can also be used as a ground cover and in mass plantings where it looks spectacular in bloom.

Plant in a top quality soil that allows good drainage. Supertunias are heavy feeders. At the time of planting incorporate slow release flowering plant fertilizer into the soil. A water-soluble flowering plant fertilizer can then be used every two weeks into fall. Once established this petunia will tolerate heat and drought conditions.

Bonus: Persimmon Supertunias attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.


Proven Accents Big Leaf Creeping Wire Vine (Muehlenbeckia complexa)

Sun to Part Shade

Mature Size: Height: 10-15 cm.

Spread: 45-60 cm.

Big Leaf Creeping Wire Vine is a green leaf trailing plant used primarily as an accent or filler in hanging baskets, window boxes, large and medium planters. The light green leaves with wiry dark stems are a marked contrast to most other flowering plants, giving a varied texture to mixed plantings. Plant Wire Vine in a good quality soil with drainage and you will not have to worry about fertilization throughout the season. It does have white flowers but they are not significant. Do not overwater this plant and do not let it sit in water.

Please note that Creeping Wire Vine has a rhizomatous root system and can be used as a houseplant as well!

Some Other New Annual Notable Mentions from PW!

1. Rockin Deep Purple (Improved) Salvia – I have grown the previous version of this plant and it was so worthwhile! It reached the maximum height and spread on the label so I have no doubt this one will do the same. The Rockin Deep Purple (Improved) will reach a height of 60-91 cm. and a spread of 60-91 cm. at maturity.

2. Bright Lights Horizon Sunset Osteospermum

This new Osteo has improved heat tolerance and is fairly short and wide. Height: 20-30 cm. Spread: 25-45 cm. I have grown osteospermum in full sun for two seasons now and have had good results. I think the key to success with osteos is not to overwater! Deadheading is not required.


3. Proven Accents Illusion Penny Lace Ipomoea (Sweet Potato Vine)

A beautiful trailing vine with finely cut deep burgundy foliage with copper red highlights.

Part Sun to Sun

Height: 15-25 cm.

Spread: 60-91 cm.

Fertilize with an all-purpose water soluble fertilizer such as 20-20-20 at half strength every two weeks.

Invasive if used with other plants in a container but can be cut back at any time to control the spread.

1 comment

  • when do supertunia start selling


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